NICE TO meet you.


My name is Leah. I'm mom to Greyson and Elle, serial entrepreneur, and endlessly trying to be my best self!  I was lucky enough to have an incredible life coach that had a profound impact in my life. My life pivoted when I went though a divorce and it was at this time I used so many of the principles and tools I had learned in my personal development with my life coach.  When it's darkest you always see the light and becoming a coach was my light. I am a big dreamer and I felt that if I could help people who wanted to create meaningful change as I had in my life and help just one person, as my coach had helped me, then I could live my dream job. This was when the idea for State of Design was born. 

I could geek out with you about personal development all day long because the journey to being your best self is the magic! We are always striving for the ultimate goal of our vision but who we become along the way is truly remarkable.

I can't wait to connect with you 

Cheering you on!




AMBITIOUS, confident. KIND.

Show me the credentials...


I was lucky enough to complete my life coach certification through the Jay Shetty Certification School. His wisdom and ABC framework of coaching are the foundation of my coaching philosophy. I am currently in the process of adding a spiritual component and true vision building aspect to my certification and am working with the Brave Thinking Institute in their Dream Builder program. These certifications along with the hours of coaching I have done with entrepreneurs gives me experience and confidence in helping you build the business and life of your dreams! 


your shoes



When my jewelry company, grey + elle, was almost a year old, I knew I was going to need help growing and scaling the company. I hired my life coach to help take me to the next level, and boy did she do that. What I didn't know at the time was that the work I would do with her over the next year would  help me have the confidence and goal setting tools to build a vision of the life I wanted, as was as help me during an incredibly difficult time.

Sadly, I went through a divorce and it was devastating. But I had a choice. I could live in my current circumstance or I could redesign my life to be the life I had always wanted. I believe I was able to overcome and thrive during this difficult time in my life because I had the tools and philosophies I had learned from my coach. They guided me and helped me keep a positive mindset for growth.

This is the magic of coaching and personal development. I work closely with my clients to work with tools and philosophies that you can apply to all aspects of your life forever.

THINGS changed



Sometimes everything has to fall apart for you to be able to build exactly what you want. I took my difficult life circumstance and started to design a vision for what I wanted my life to become. And guess what? That next year I had the best year my jewelry company had ever had. We almost hit six figures in our third year in business and my brand was well known in our area. I was happier, healthier, and was thriving.

This is when I started seeing the power of having a vision.  I named this company after a Cleo Wade poem where she says, "the best part about your life is that it is in a constant state of design. This means you have, at all times, the power to redesign it."  She goes on to say, " when it comes to your life, you are not just the artist but the masterpiece as well." 

I am passionate about the work I do because I get a front row seat in watching magic happen as my clients  design their vision and we work together to create actionable and quantifiable steps to get them to the life of their dreams.

Teri Day

"Working with Leah was an incredible experience. Her friendly demeanor along with her expertise helped me put together a clear action plan for my goals. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking guidance and support in their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment."

Dr. Karen Pearce


"Leah listens deeply and is gifted in conveying belief in her clients while also using insightful questions to cut through the clutter helping to create real results. I have made more progress with Leah than with any other life coach I've worked with … Including myself!"

Lauren Locke


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YOU'RE GOING TO love THIS free daily practice.


Download the daily design for a morning and evening journal guide to help you design a day to motivate and inspire you.



YOU'RE GOING TO love THIS free daily practice.


Download the daily design for a morning and evening journal guide
 to help you design a day to motivate and inspire you.