Mama, designer, entrepreneur, and life coach. 



When we decide we are ready for change it can be hard to know where to start. I am passionate about supporting my clients to not only decide for the change they want to see in their lives but to dream big to design a life they would love to live.

Through a 4 step process I walk my clients through how to get really clear on what it is they want for their life. You will design a vision that will detail your biggest dreams for what you would like your life to look like, feel like, and who you want to be. From there we take your vision and use it as a roadmap to building goals and actionable steps to start getting you closer to the life you would love!

Coaching Packages

1 on 1 Coaching

Starting at $2,250

  • 12 sessions
  • A weekly zoom or telephone call
  • Voxer voice/text support from me Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
  • Vision Design Audit (build and audit your vision design)
  • Create 6 and 12 month goals
  • Access to specifically curated tools and life work to help you get closer to achieving the goals you’ve set.
  • 3, 6, and 12 month plans offered

Benefits to coaching

When we have direction we have a path to work toward. Much like mapping out a route if you were going on a cross country road trip, creating a vision gives you direction to what it is you want. When we know what we want we can then build a roadmap to help us get there.

Making big changes in your life or embarking on new and exciting goals can be daunting at the start. Working with a coach allows you to have someone who can support you through deciding for what you would like to change or add to your life, as well as how that can be accomplished. Together we work towards creating systems, habits, and goals that will allow you to thrive.





A force to be reckoned with, my client is the ultimate visionary. She established a successful business and was making big moves to grow. As she began to grow she realized there were a lot of opportunities she was not taking advantage of because of time management, scheduling, and lack of structure she needed in parts of her business. 

Through building awareness in what wasn’t working and what it was she ultimately wanted we worked together to help her to start to build new habits and how she planned and scheduled her days. We created a system that didn’t feel constrictive to her free spirit personality but allowed her to plan ahead and start to seize the income generating opportunities she was missing before. She found once she implemented the plan we created together she started making more money in her business.

Teri Day

"Working with Leah was an incredible experience. Her friendly demeanor along with her expertise helped me put together a clear action plan for my goals. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking guidance and support in their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment."

Dr. Karen Pearce


"Leah listens deeply and is gifted in conveying belief in her clients while also using insightful questions to cut through the clutter helping to create real results. I have made more progress with Leah than with any other life coach I've worked with … Including myself!"

Courtney Sprung


"Leah helped me see that time management can be fun and rewarding. I made so much money from managing my calendar better."

Coaching Process


What’s Working & What’s Not
(1-2 sessions)

Before we can move forward, we have to understand where we are currently. Our work together starts by uncovering what is working well in your  life and what is not. It’s hard to admit what might not be working well or where we haven’t been able to perform to our highest potential. I provide a judgement free space to pragmatically name what’s not working so we can use it as data to create a path to success.


What Do You Want?
(1 session)

Once we understand where we are we can then understand where we want to go. This is where the visioning begins. We always start with this question… If time, money, and past and present circumstances did not matter, what would you want your life to look like? Know that in order to vision for this you don’t need to know HOW you will get there. As we start to vision, we will uncover and work through any blocks and limiting beliefs that may come up about feeling deserving and worthy of such dreams.


The Vision Design
(2-3 sessions)

You are starting to dream up the vision and it’s now time to get really specific in that dream. We will write out a detailed vison using four prompts to help you have a well-rounded approach to visioning for your life. Those four prompts are career, time and money freedom, health and wellness, and love and relationships. Within each of these categories you will create a detailed vision of what you want your life to be. I will guide you through how to properly write your vision to make it as impactful as it can be. The vision is written in a way to be a constant source of motivation and inspiration. This is where you breathe life into your biggest dreams. The vision design is the heart of our work together. Your vision design is something you will refer back to daily and will give you the clarity and direction you’ll need to start to create BIG goals for your life!


(6 sessions)

In writing your vision, you have felt, seen, and experienced what your dream life looks like. It’s powerful to have put out into the world exactly what it is you dream of. Now it’s time to make it all come to life. Using your vision design, you will create 6 and 12 month goals that will build structure and direction towards the steps you can take to achieve the dreams in your vision. Your big goals will be measurable, specific, time bound, and achievable. We will work together weekly to keep you on track with your goals while also working through blocks or doubt that may come up, new habits or processes you need help establishing to optimize productivity and clarity, or mindset work that can help you be the best version of yourself. We will work together to get you in the best mindset with the best processes to run and live your life.



1 on 1 coaching


3 month package



6 month package



12 month package
(get 1 month free)



Looking for some support in in creating meaninful change?
Let’s chat!
Click below to schedule a discovery call.
I’d love to talk with you about what you are looking for support in and how I may be able to help. 


Contact Details


[email protected]



YOU'RE GOING TO love THIS free daily practice.


Download the daily design for a morning and evening journal guide to help you design a day to motivate and inspire you.



YOU'RE GOING TO love THIS free daily practice.


Download the daily design for a morning and evening journal guide
 to help you design a day to motivate and inspire you.