My mom used to live near a run-down old convenient store in Oregon. I used to joke that if we were going to buy a lottery ticket, we should buy one there because a jenky little store like that would for sure pull a winning ticket. We would then allow ourselves to dream of what we would do with hundreds of millions of dollars. I found it interesting that given the right set of circumstances (having hundreds of millions of dollars) we would allow ourselves any dream. If I would have asked myself to dream given the present circumstances I lived, those dreams would be different. Why was that?

We make choices for our life based on the current circumstances we live in. We say things like, “I can’t go to Europe because I don’t have enough money,” or “I don’t have any business experience so I can’t start my own business.” We can absolutely live a happy life given the circumstances we are in but often time we feel a longing or a desire for wanting more. This longing is your soul speaking to you. We are going to build our lives regardless. We will either build a life from default or we can design exactly what it is we want for our life.  What would happen if we dreamed of a life we wanted even if it reached past what was possible in current fact. This is where the power of the vision comes in.

Very early on when coaching a new client, I ask them to think about this question….

If past and present circumstances did not exist and time and money didn’t matter, what would you want for your life? What would you want to do, to have, to be?

You do not need to know HOW you will achieve what you want but you need to know what it is you’d love for your life. What would light up your soul? An excitement for life where you go to bed each night so grateful for the amazing life you are living.

It is incredibly powerful to put pen to paper and release your dreams out into the universe. Using a framework created by the incomparable Mary Morrissey, founder of the Brave Thinking Institute, we break down the vision into 4 categories (love and relationships, time and money freedom, health and well-being, and vocation). These 4 categories give a full spectrum view of your life. I work with clients on how to properly write the vision so that you can not only use it to help give direction and clarity for what they want in their business and life but also so use it as a motivating tool to be able to feel, see, and experience exactly what this incredible life you want will be like.

Once the vision is written we set goals for business and life that will begin to set into motion the big dreams my clients are visioning for. With a six- and twelve-month goal established we work week by week implementing tools and creating habits and processes that will allow for forward momentum towards the vision.

I wish everyone could create a vision. It’s a powerful tool that empowers you to live this one incredible life you have to the absolute fullest!  Now that I’ve planted the seed to this type of thinking I encourage you to ask yourself….

What would be in my vision?

Allow yourself to dream BIG!


Cheering you on!


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NICE TO meet you.


I'm Leah. I help entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals to design a detailed vision that brings clarity and direction to build a business and life they LOVE! Once the vision design is created we work together to set goals for their life and business that will begin to set into motion the big dreams they are visioning for.

I love to talk all things business, personal growth, and how I might be able to support you in your dreams! Let's chat!


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