In the last few years, I feel as though certain things and people have come into my life for very profound reasons. I may have not known it at the time, but these people and events would leave a lasting impression. After I started my jewelry business in 2021, I knew I was going to need some help growing and scaling the business. A friend had mentioned a life coach she was working with and invited me to an event her coach was hosting. I was intrigued.

Not only did I leave this event having hired this coach on the spot but began a journey of transformation I could never have imagined for myself. I worked with my coach, Lauren Brollier Newton, for a year and took so many principles and tools that she taught me not only to benefit my business but my life as well.

Fast forward a few years and I went through a painful divorce. Lauren was one of the first people I told what was happening. Being a fellow Christian, she encouraged me to read the book of Ester in the Bible and left me with a quote from that book saying, “but what if this is what you were made for.”

I knew then that through this pain would come something great. It’s not what happens to us but how we handle it. Over the next year I kept myself open to opportunities that spoke to my soul. I had a dear friend tell me she thought I would make a great coach.  I had never thought of myself in that capacity before. It resonated with me so much and I knew it was the soul giving opportunity I had been looking for. I excitedly researched coaching programs and felt most aligned with Jay Shetty’s coaching certification program. I spent six months immersing myself in all things personal development. This six-month period was a perfect example of the magic being in the journey. What I learned during my certification process changed me as a person and I am forever grateful for the awareness and ability to take powerful mindset shifts and apply that positive energy to my business and life.

 I can tell you that I have never felt more aligned or more certain about what I am doing with my life. As I look back on the last few years, I can see how so many experiences and past opportunities I have had were getting me ready to become a coach.

 It is incredibly exciting to me when my friends come to me for business advice or collaborations. Having started and run multiple businesses, entrepreneurs have a special place in my heart. Being an entrepreneur is challenging and incredible and I resonate so much with dreamers, visionaries, and people who will do what light up their soul. I feel so honored to be able to work with entrepreneurs  to help guide and nurture the very big dreams in their lives. In helping guide my clients through creating a vision design and creating big actionable goals, it is pure magic to see how transformative work towards a vision can bring amazing results to lead you to the life and business of your dreams.


Cheers to new beginnings and the start of something incredible!

Welcome to State of Design Coaching!



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NICE TO meet you.


I'm Leah. I help entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals to design a detailed vision that brings clarity and direction to build a business and life they LOVE! Once the vision design is created we work together to set goals for their life and business that will begin to set into motion the big dreams they are visioning for.

I love to talk all things business, personal growth, and how I might be able to support you in your dreams! Let's chat!


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YOU'RE GOING TO love THIS free daily practice.


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 to help you design a day to motivate and inspire you.